CATANZARO: capital of Calabria

Dear readers, let's go to the center of Calabria where the city know as the two seases is located, rich in History and cultural heritage. panorama of Catanzaro, wow!!!! (foto by Rocco Del Franco) another perspective: Catanzaro seen from the cathedral roof History - Catanzaro was founded as a military stronghold in the late of IX century a.D at the behest of the Byzantine general Niceforo Foca as part of liberation of Calabria by Saracens. People from riviera took refuge near the fortress, becoming a village and after some time an important byzantine center with a fortified citadel built by the new Byzantine general Flagizio (IX-X century a.D.). NOTE - Catanzaro in the X century a.C. was provided with a praitorion (palace-fortified with citadel), where the imperial governor resided. Nowaday due to urban remaking it is not certain of the exact location. Catanzaro with the byzantines was important centre for silk production and city of trade and economic hub throughout the middle age...