ROMAN VILLAS in Calabria

Dear readers, we visit some of the most important Roman villas heretofore know in Calabria. All over the calabrian territory are many remains of romans ville (map below). dotted in red are the little remains of roman villas, mainly coastal. In this post, show most rapresentative archaeological complexes in Calabria with rich mosaics, collocated in agricol landscape. villa of NANIGLIO (Gioiosa Ionica) STRUCTURE - Situated near the town of Gioiosa Ionica, it built towards the end of the I century b.C. and that reached its maximum splendor around III century a.C. to then suffer a slow and progressive abdonement. In the first phase of its existence it was considered only a predia (farm), then transformed in a padronal villa ( otium ), in the ancient age (II-IIIcentury b.C.) became a luxurosius noble residence equipped with product structuries of the centre of the greatest agricultural. Inside its area it had a residential neighborhood (for workes) and processig plant and storage, arra...